In Asia
声入人心男团 Super Vocal
On March 27, Super Vocal, the bel canto group curated by Universal Music Group China and Hunan Satellite TV, announced the worldwide release of their single “Ni De Se Cai (Your Colors) (Qui Con Me)”. The song is the first single for their debut album, which is set to release later this year by Decca Records. The group consists of four members, Ju Hongchuan, Cai Chengyu, Gao Tianhe and Tong Zhuo.
“Ni De Se Cai (Your Colors) (Qui Con Me)” is written by Roxanne Seeman, Ivo Moring, George Komsky, Italian lyrics written by Saverio Principini. Chinese lyrics is written by Cheng He. The song was produced by Nick Patrick and other outstanding international musicians. …
Prior to the release of “Ni De Se Cai (Your Colors) (Qui Con Me)”, Super Vocal appeared on the Hunan Satellite TV program “Singer 2020”, premiered the live version of the song with both Chinese and Italian lyrics. After its broadcast, the performance sparked many discussions on social media. Just in a few hours there were over 10,000 comments on their performance.
3月27日,由环球音乐中国与湖南卫视共同打造的“声入人心男团 SUPER VOCAL”发布正式成团的首张作品先导单曲《你的色彩》(QUI CON ME)。男团由蔡程昱、仝卓、高天鹤、鞠红川四位歌者组成,新单曲目前已全球上线,新专辑有望在今年内由环球Decca厂牌全球发行。
新专辑第一首预热歌曲《你的色彩》(QUI CON ME),是由两次获艾美奖提名的Roxanne Seeman、美声男伶制作团队Nick Patrick等优秀国际音乐人为其量身定制原创美声单曲,由程何填词、华语知名制作人吴庆隆编曲。…
在这首单曲发行前,“声入人心男团 SUPER VOCAL”登台湖南卫视《歌手·当打之年》,首演了《你的色彩》中意双语版。节目播出后,立即在各大社交媒体引发热门话题,单曲评论在数小时内即破万。
News link:
张学友 Jacky Cheung
2012 Spring Festival Lineup
Jacky Cheung is invited to perform on 2012 Spring Festival Gala, the nation’s biggest festival gala to celebrate the traditional Chinese New Year and Spring Fest. Singers are considered very honored to be invited by the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Council, but due to previous years’ schedules conflicts. Jacky has never been able to make his first Spring Festival Gala appearance; however, the good news is – he finally managed to make time this year. The CCTV board has so far kept it a secret in terms of which song Jacky Cheung will be performing for the Spring Festival this year.
Editor’s note: Jacky Cheung recorded 5 songs from Roxanne Seeman including “Everyday is Christmas”, “ Lucky In Love”, “Double Trouble”, “Let It Go”, and “Which Way Robert Forest”. Some Of these songs were also featured in Jacky Cheung’s 1/2 Century Tour all over the world.
News Link: http//
虽然在乐坛有着不可撼动的地位, 但张学友却从未参加过央视春晚, 为此张学友也曾表示十分遗憾。虽然央视春晚曾多次向他发出邀请, 但都因为档期等愿意错过。 “ 我唱歌这么多年, 从未上过春晚, 这对我来说真的是人生中一个很大的遗憾。” 张学友说。
不过,多次错过春晚的张学友也终于在2013年弥补了自己心中的遗憾, 再加上春晚剧组的诚心邀请, 双方也是一拍即合, 了了彼此的共同的心愿。至于“歌神”那么多经典的歌曲中, 那首将在春晚舞台上演唱, 目前剧组方面也并未确定。
杨坤 Yang Kun
Judge of The Voice of China
In 2012, Yang Kun joined the hit competition show broadcasted on ZJTV “The Voice Of China” and he is one of the four judges on the show. “The Voice of China” caught national attention immediately following its debut and continue to be a national sensation for this first season. YangKun appeared as one of the four judges, who are all considered as the top singers in China. This show has brought Yan Kun much media exposure this year. He also expressed his interest in continuing being the judge for the show.
Editor’s note: Yang Kun recorded Roxanne Seeman’s song “ Hui Bu Hui(Will We)” in 2011, and this song also became the theme song for the movie “ Lost in Panic Cruise”.
News Page links:
近年来刘欢已明确表示明年将不再担当“中国好声音”的评委, 据说那英也已萌生退意, 主要原因是整天连着录节目, 还成为舆论中心, 又累身又累心。 杨坤对此却没什么感觉,“ 累? 我不觉得, 因为我还年轻嘛。”他说自己对这么节目依然有很大兴趣, 也很喜欢能扶助新人的音乐导师身份。 不过因为目前还不知道节目组方面会有什么调整,所有只能是“明年的事明年再说”, 总之自己已经做好了两手准备。
Lost in Panic Cruise
Lost In Panic Cruise, released in 2011 is the sequel to 2010’s Lost In Panic Room. This film is regarded as the first attempt in Chinese movie industry of exploring Thriller/Crime/Mystery genre film in Mainland China. It received incredibly high audience reviews and has yielded 1.5 million RMB in box office.
Production Company:
The production company of our film is Bei Jing Cheng Shi Hua Dui Dian Ying Dou Zi Guan Li Co., LTD (北京盛世华瑞电影投资管理有限公司, one of the top film production companies in China. It produces 5 to 10 movies each year and has produced some top-gross films include IP Man, Painted Skin. Many of its film productions are of A-list actors and directors in China, yielding up to 1 billion RMB in average in box office performance (such as Yip Man and Painted Skin)!
林育群 Lin Yu Chun
Lin Yu Chun caught world attention when the YouTube video od his contest performance of “ I Will Always Love You” went viral, with 12 million views. He was signed by Sony, releasing his first album in 2010. Lin Yu Chun has been called Taiwan’s Susan Boyle. He was invited to appear on the “ Ellen DeGeneres Show” in the US.
Editor’s note: “Saving Grace”, written by Roxanne Seeman, Philipp Steinke and Finn Martin, is the opening song on Lin Yu Chun’s second album, released November 2011.
林育群以一首星光大道的“I Will Always Love You”, 成为了世界瞩目的新星。 他的比赛视频YouTube 视频“I Will Always Love You” 超过了120 万点击率, 引起了世界的关注。 他在2010年签约索尼, 发行了他的第一张专辑。 林育群被称为台湾的苏珊大妈, 并被邀请出席美国的 “ Ellen DeGeneres 脱口秀“。
“Saving Grace”, 由洛珊·西门,菲利普·斯登 和芬兰·马丁 共同创作, 是林育群的第二张个人专辑在2011 年11 月发布的开场曲。
韓雪 Cecilia Han Xue
After Cecilia’s last album “Journey into Fantasy”, Gold Typhoon released her fourth solo album, “They Say”, in August 2012. In addition to the works of well-known lyricists Lin Xi, Le Zhuo Xiong, there are nine songs written by Cecilia herself. She said that the album will subvert her “girl next door” image, confessing her authenticity and rebellious attitude.
“Lonely Kiss” is written by Roxanne Seeman, Claus Christensen, Per Lange & Simon Munk, Chinese lyrics written by Lin Xi. The song was released in August 2012, included in Cecilia Han Xue’s album “They Say”.
苏醒 Allen Su


Linda Chung is a leading Hong Kong TVB (Television Broadcast Limited) actress/singer. She has appeared in more than 10 TVB dramas and won the Astro TV Award for Most Favorite TV Character, 2010.
杨丞琳 Rainie Yang
Rainie Yang is a leading Taiwan singer/actress. She won the forty-fifth Golden Bell Award for Best Actress in the TV show “Hi My Sweetheart”(Hai Pai Tian Xin).
“Tick Tock”, written by Roxanne Seeman, Kine Ludvigsen, and Olav Fossheim, is the theme song of “Hi My Sweetheart”.
“青春斗”是由洛珊·西门, 木根路登伟森,奥拉夫佛丝汉姆共同创作的。是《海派甜心》的主题曲。
Stephy Tang邓丽欣
Stephy Tang is a leading Hong Kong singer/actress. She was formerly lead singer of the pop group Cookies. Stephy has released over 10 albums and appeared in over 26 films.
“No One Knows”, written by Roxanne Seeman, Kine Ludvigsen, and Olav Fossheim, is the single and title track of Stephy Tang’s August 2010 EP released by Gold Typhoon.
”No One Knows“是由洛珊·西门, 木根路登伟森,奥拉夫佛丝汉姆合写的歌曲,被收录在邓丽欣2010年由金牌大风发行的EP《No One Knows》。
SINA Blog 新浪博客
2012 环球小姐中国区大赛
2012 Miss Universe China
Tick Tock Team
Miss Universe China Pageant beauty contestants dance to Tick Tock by Tick Tock Team. Tick Tock, written by Roxy Seeman, Kine Ludvigsen-Fossheim, and Olav Fossheim, is the English version of Rainie Yang’s hit Chinese song Qing Chun Dou.
Yue-Sai Kan introduces Miss Universe China Pageant 2012, premier fashion event of the year, with beauty contestants from 7 rovinces and 19 cities. Yue-Sai Kan gives special thanks to Roxy Seeman for the opening song of the event.
Final Pageant Video Link: